Hazaribag, Jharkhand

Apostolates of Carmel Matha Province

Kerala has reached the peaks of Knowledge and it goes on expanding the frontier of excellence. At this juncture, we are really proud to proclaim that the doors to wisdom have been wide opened by Blessed Chavara Kuriakose Elias, the founder father of the CMC.
Aiming for the empowerment of Women, St. Chavara, the man of great erudition founded CMC. To this visionary, the illumination of lights is to remove darkness and show the right path. Real education wields great power to guard against the darkness of suspicion, superstition, and ignorance. Blessed Chavara firmly believed that if any society is to be uplifted, it is essential that the womenfolk and the girl child ought be educated.
Much has been done during the last 42 years of the existence of the Udaya Province, Irinjalakuda. Thousands and thousands have received the light of knowledge, service, and the shine of virtue. But there are still many more rungs of the ladder to be climbed. We are confident that our divine patroness will keep us under her mantle.